W ramach naszej witryny stosujemy pliki cookies w celu świadczenia Państwu usług na najwyższym poziomie, w tym w sposób dostosowany do indywidualnych potrzeb. Korzystanie z witryny bez zmiany ustawień dotyczących cookies oznacza, że będą one zamieszczane w Państwa urządzeniu końcowym. Możecie Państwo dokonać w każdym czasie zmiany ustawień dotyczących cookies. Link do polityki plików „COOKIES”: https://wodociagi.zabrze.pl/artykuly/827/cookieuser.


Zabrzańskie Przedsiębiorstwo Wodociągów i Kanalizacji Sp. z o.o.


ul. Wolności 215
41-800 Zabrze

REGON: 272730182
NIP: 648-00-00-278
BDO: 000013509


tel. 32 275 52 00
fax. 32 271 71 58
e-mail: kancelaria@wodociagi.zabrze.pl


Biuro Zarządu
Elżbieta Jabłońska, Kierownik
32 271 16 47, 32 275 52 20
e-mail: biurozarzadu@wodociagi.zabrze.pl


Inspektor Ochrony Danych
Iwona Wróbel
tel. 32 275 52 67, 32 275 52 37


Conclusion of an agreement

Notice: The website which you are on is for informational purposes only and the Polish version is binding. All  submitted documents should be in Polish or translated into Polish by a certified translator. Should any inconsistencies or discrepancies between the information on the website in English version and the website in Polish version occur, the Polish version will prevail. In case of any discrepancy between the terms and conditions, rules, regulations or other stipulations in the language versions, the Polish version will prevail.

Tariffs for collective water supply and collective waste water disposal

Agrement on water supply and waste water disposal

Connection of a property to the network and submission of a written Application for Conclusion of the Agreement is the condition for conclusion of the Agreement on Water Supply and Waste Water Disposal.

Application for Conclusion of the Agreement for a Natural Person

Application for Conclusion of the Agreement for a Legal Person

Application for Conclusion of the Agreement for a Multi-Premises Building


Certified copy of the legal title to the property or signed declaration (DECLARATION FORM) have to be attached to the written Application for Conclusion of the Agreement, along with:

  1. Technical Acceptance Protocol for the Built Connection (for newly built buildings)
  2. Delivery and Acceptance Protocol (for buildings being taken over)


  • persons conducting business activity submit:
  1. REGON (national business register number) certificate
  2. decision on the tax identification number assignment
  3. certificate of entry into the register of business activity or a printout from the Central Registration and Information on Business system
  • for civil law partnerships, additionally:

Deed of Partnership in form of a notarial deed

  • housing communities submit:
  1. resolution of the owners of premises on the appointment of the management board
  2. decision on the tax identification number assignment
  3. REGON (national business register number) certificate

Where the community entrusts administration to a natural or legal person:

joint property administration agreement + administrator’s documents

  • commercial companies submit:
  1. valid excerpt from the National Court Register
  2. decision on the tax identification number assignment
  3. REGON (national business register number) certificate
  4. Articles of Incorporation in form of a notarial deed

The filled in Application for Conclusion of the Agreement along with the necessary documents may be submitted by traditional mail, e-mail, fax or directly to the Customer Service Office at the Company’s registered office.


Customer Service Office
ZPWiK Sp. z .o.o.
ul. Wolności 215
41-800 Zabrze

Monday 7.00 am – 5.00 pm
Tuesday – Friday 7.00 am – 3.00 pm

phone: 32/275 52 26, 32/275 52 27, fax: 32/275 52 25

e-mail: odczyty@wodociagi.zabrze.pl

Agreements are drawn up and sent to the Customer’s address within 14 days as of the date of submission of the complete application with a request to sign and send one copy back to ZPWIK Sp. z o.o. Collecting the Agreement in person at the Customer Service Office, after prior arrangement with the Customer Service Office employee, is possible.


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