Any complaints may be submitted:

  1. To the e-mail address: and via the Internet Customer Service Office – the „Submissions” tab.
  2. In person at the Customer Service Office at Wolności 215 street in Zabrze, open on Mondays from 700 am to 500 pm, from Tuesday to Friday from 700 am to 300 pm
  3. By phone on the numbers: 32/275 52 26, 32/275 52 27.
  4. In writing – to the Company’s registered office address, i.e. ZPWiK Sp. z o.o., ul. Wolności 215, 41-800 Zabrze.

Responses to the complaint are given within 14 days as of its submission. This time limit may be extended to 30 days if a detailed investigation is required and, if commission of expert opinions is required – by the time they are received.